Yellow roses

Dutch still life - how would it look today, in the 21st century? In response to this question, I wanted not to just add modern items to the production –"Chupa Chups" and "Coca Cola". I wanted to find a new aesthetic, leaving, as in the classics of the genre, only flowers and fruits. In my research, I turned to the world experience of designers-florists. I was inspired to create this work by the Lisa Cooper's floral composition.

To enhance the visual effect, I embodied it with materials that have the most tactile sensation – pastels and velvets. The black velvet background absorbs light and creates an additional deepness of space. And the texture of velvet, combined with pastels, approaches the texture of living colors, creating an effect of hyperrealit, making them almost tangible.

When creating the picture, high-quality art materials were used:
Pastel Schmincke and Sennelier, velvet cardboard Italy.

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*Картины в технике "Пастель на бархате" по Москве и Московской области доставляются оформленными в раму и музейное стекло, в другие города России в раму, но без стекла.

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