
In the series of flower portraits of women, I refer to the female portraits of famous artists.

Artists have turned to the image of the female image at all times. And this topic does not leave me indifferent. Studying portraits of different eras, I felt that no matter how fashion, social status, costumes, hairstyles, proportions change, something in women remains unchanged. Some part of their soul, something unspeakable, something that makes a woman a goddess. This is the riddle I tried to express by using the beauty of colors as a constant that exists outside of time. She used such tactile mediums as pastels and velvets to embody them, trying to emphasize the velvety texture of colors and the luxury of costumes.

Natalia uses pastel and velvet to create her works. They are mediums with maximum tactility, which allows her to enhance the realism of images, to emphasize the luxury of costumes and to recreate the velvety texture of colors, making them almost tangible.
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*Картины в технике "Пастель на бархате" по Москве и Московской области доставляются оформленными в раму и музейное стекло, в другие города России в раму, но без стекла.

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